Start Having Some Figure
Once you’ve determined the height, you can now start giving your drawing some figure. Start by drawing the hips. Generally, you can find the widest portion of the hips located halfway down of the body. Draw a basic trapezoid shape. Put the widest or the base line of your trapezoid approximately at the position where the hips and waist should be, according to your measurements. The normal space starting from the hips up to the waist would be approximately 2/3 of the head’s length.
Add The Lower Extremities And The Upper Extremities
Add more form by drawing the knees and feet. Your figure’s knees should be halfway in between the feet and hips. Obviously, the feet would be the bottom part of the body. Create 2 small circles for the knees, place 2 small ellipses for the feet.
Now draw the upper extremities of the body by adding the shoulders, arms, elbows, and hands. Generally, the elbows should fall at waist level. The shoulders should be just right below the bottom of the head on both sides. Just like with knees, you can draw small circles for the elbows. To put the shoulders, draw two more heads lightly. Place 1 on each side of the head. You can draw circles to for the shoulders below each imaginary head. For the hands, they usually fall halfway down your figure’s thighs. Create small ellipsis for the hands.
Get Connected!
Now, it’s time for you to connect the different body parts that you drew. Use ellipses so that you can connect the body part. As soon as this is done, you could start adding some shading and details. Add some clothing and some other essentials. Do not forget to get a light source so that you’d know where the shadows should be placed.
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