Wednesday, October 21, 2015

3 Golf Swing Drills to Improve Your Putting (part 2 of 2)

To do this, you have to practice first putting first with your eyes open at a range of 10 to 50 feet from the hole. After putting these balls with your eyes open, do the same thing this time with your eyes closed. If the ball goes in the hole, you know that sink the ball with your eyes closed.

Another eyes closed technique involves dropping some balls to the ground and just putting them. The objective here is simply to let you feel how the stroke flows back and forth. Do the same thing also with your eyes open. Now that you know the difference, try to incorporate that when you are putting the balls into the hole.

The last golf swing drill is called the alignment drill. To do this, you lay two clubs on the green about six inches apart and make sure that they are parallel to each other. Now putt the ball to see if your stroke is aligned at impact and steady on the back and forward stroke. Do this several times and if you get tired, take a break and rest for a while before resuming the drill.

Practicing some golf swing putting drills like those mentioned will surely help you improve on your game. Who knows? You might even win when you are playing 18 holes with friends. If you can do that at short distances, the only thing to practice on now is your long game because this is just as important as the short game.

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